Pro Albums Faq

All your Questions Answered

Find quick answers to common queries in our FAQs. We’ve got you covered with essential information to address your concerns.


Why Browse Pro Album Faq page?

Pro Album’ commitment to excellent customer service extends to our Faq page, where we’ve compiled essential information to address your most common questions. Here, you’ll find answers to help you navigate your experience with us effortlessly and efficiently.

Quick Access to Information

Pro Albums’ Faq are your go-to resource for speedy access to the information you need. Whether you’re looking for product details, order instructions, or support options, our Faq offer clear and concise responses to your most pressing questions.

Empowering You with Knowledge

Our goal is to empower you with knowledge. Our Faq aren’t just about answering your questions; they’re about ensuring you have the insights and understanding to make informed decisions and get the most out of your experience with us.

How long does it take for an order to be delivered to me?

Depending on the delivery location, Please expect 2 to 3 working days for bigger metros and up 5 for outlying metros.

What happens if i am not at home to receive my order?

The courier will call you to make alternative delivery time. Should the courier not find anyone after 3 delivery attempts your package will be returned to us and you will need to make alternative arrangements for you order.

Can i track my Order delivery progress with the courier?

Once your order has left our facilities, A waybill with a tracking number will be sent to you via email and then you will be able to track it.

Where can I see the pricing for additional pages and paper upgrade?

The pricing for additional pages is automatically available when you are placing your order. You will be prompted to select the number of pages then the system will calculate for you. Alternatively you can download the pricelist then you will be able to see the price for additional pages for different products.

How will I know if my order has been processed?

As soon as you check out, you will receive an email that will be notifying you that we have received your order. We will then check your order to see if everything is okay. If all is in order we will then send you an email notifying you that your order is now being processed.  

What do I do if I am not happy with my order ?

Our aim is to make all our clients happy. If you are unhappy with your order, Please get in touch with us as soon as you identify fault, in no more than 14 days and we will do our best to take responsibility and make it right. See our returns policy for additional information.

The order I received is not complete. What do I do ?

Please get in touch with us to get more information on the order you received. However its nothing to worry about because if you have a bulky order, (For example ) ; We ship orders separately for safety and protection reasons. Using the tracking number from your waybill, please contact us to see how we can best assist you. 

My order has not arrived, What can i do?

When we send out your waybill, there should be the estimated date of delivery. Your order status and tracking details are available on the courier website by using your tracking number. Please contact us for further assistance..

Still have a question?

Please contact us for more information.

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